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Portfolio Design

Course | Digital Portfolio

For this course, I was tasked to create a portfolio and brand that I can market and show to employees. It was important to follow the steps of UX in order to create a cohesive learning experience for both myself as well as portfolio viewers.

Perfect logo_edited.jpg

Summary | Portfolio Design

Course | Digital Portfolio

Role | Lead Designer

Time Frame | 8 Weeks

Proposed solution | To show off my amazing talents, especially for when I graduate shortly, I will need a portfolio I can show to employers.

Problem solved | I was able to create a portfolio that demonstrated what I have learned as a UX designer as well as showcase my work. 

Challenges | It was a challenge to narrow down what kind of brand I would like to go with when designing my portfolio and resume. I was able to come to somewhat of an open ended conclusion with my choice but it was still difficult to figure out. In the end I was able to come to a decision. When Developing my website, I decided to create it in WIX as I have used WIX in the past as well as I tried other website creation sites but felt most comfortable with WIX’s templates. WIX however went through a few minor changes but it has grown a few bugs overtime and eventually would make changes I did not want to make. Thus, there was a few times of busy work of myself having to go back and change configurations to make sure things were just how I wanted it. 

User Impacts | I had to make quite a few changes to my portfolio to ensure navigation was easy. I decided to remove a drop down menu to guide users more so to the main project page so that they can get a description of what each project is before clicking on it. I also created summaries for each project so that users can get an understanding of each project before reading into what went on week by week.

Lessons learned | Some lessons I learned are truly who I am as a person as well as a designer. Putting together my portfolio made me feel more confident in my work as I got to look over my accomplishments. I also learned about how I can fit myself into a brand without having something so narrow or constrictive. I was happy to learn that I can choose something right for me and if it wasn't for me then there was something else out there that can do a better job. I also learned that this project will exist past this class and I will be using it, modifying it and growing it as I see fit.

Color palette

I decided to choose these colors as I think primary colors would not only represent my playful personality, but because I could mix these colors into different colors or styles to suit what design I might include, as it is difficult for me to stick to one design style since software's often feel like candy stores or tools, it is simply too difficult to choose one.

Color Pallete.png
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